How to Create a Table in BlueGriffon

How to Insert a Table into a Web Page Using BlueGriffon

How to Create a Table with BlueGriffon

by Christopher Heng,

One of's visitors asked me how she could create a table with BlueGriffon. This article addresses the question.


I will assume the following things in this article:

How to Add a Table with BlueGriffon

  1. Start up BlueGriffon and open your web page.

  2. Move your mouse pointer to the part of the page where you want the table to be inserted and click that spot. A text cursor should appear at the location. If you need some blank space before the table, hit the ENTER key (or RETURN key on the Mac) to add a blank line or two.

  3. Click "Table | Insert | Table" from the menu. That is, click "Table" in the menu bar and when a drop down menu appears, move your mouse over the "Insert" item, and click the "Table" in the submenu that pops up.

  4. A grid of rectangles will appear on the screen, symbolizing the table you are about to make. By default, a 2 column by 2 row table is selected, as shown by the rectangles in blue on a background of grey ("gray" in US English) boxes. Move your mouse pointer over those rectanges till you get the number of cells you want for your table, and click the mouse button.

  5. A table with the number of rows and column you specified earlier will appear in your document. The text cursor should be placed in the top left corner cell. You can move from cell to cell by hitting the TAB key on your keyboard to go forward and the Shift+TAB (hold down the shift key while hitting the TAB key) to go backwards. Alternatively, you can also use your mouse to click in the required cell to move the cursor there.

    If you change your mind about how big you want the table, you can adjust the size by clicking "Table | Table Properties" from the menu. You will find many features of your table specified in the dialog box that appears, including the number of rows and columns it has, the width it should occupy on your page ("100%" means that it fills the entire width, with the cells shrinking or expanding as necessary to make that happen), whether there should be a border (the line enclosing each cell of the table), etc. Just change the numbers in those fields till you are satisfied. Incidentally, you can even create a borderless table by setting the border to "0" (ie, zero, without the quotes). "Cell spacing" and "cell padding" refer to the space between each cell in the table. (Experiment with them to see the effect of each if you are curious about the difference between them.)

Copyright © 2016-2017 Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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