There may be times when you want to list a few items on a web page, but since they have no particular sequence, you don't want to put a number beside each point, but perhaps mark each one with a dot or the like, to separate them. Such lists are referred to, in technical (webmaster) lingo, as "unordered lists". They are often loosely called "bullet point lists". This article shows you how to insert such a list using the BlueGriffon web editor.
I will assume that you already have a website and know how to use BlueGriffon to create a web page. That is, this article deals only with the specific task of adding an unordered (bullet point) list to an existing web page. If this is not true, please read How to Create a Website first.
In addition, if you actually want each item of your list to be numbered, but ended up at this article by mistake, please see How to Insert a List that Automatically Numbers/Renumbers Itself with BlueGriffon instead.
Incidentally, if you are still wondering what I am talking about when I say a "bullet point" or "unordered" list, just look at the above 2 paragraphs.
Start up BlueGriffon and open the web page into which you want to insert the list.
(If you find the above paragraph too vague, in that you don't know how to load your web page, or you don't even have one to open it in the first place, please start with chapter 1 of the main BlueGriffon tutorial, where everything is taught step by step, from the beginning.)
Click the spot on the page where you want the list to start, so as to place the text cursor there.
Look at the vertical toolbar on the left side of the BlueGriffon window (see picture below).
If you don't see such a toolbar, click "View" from the menu bar, followed by "Toolbars" in the drop down menu that appears. Another submenu will be displayed. If the "Format (secondary)" line in that menu does not have a tick beside it, click to enable it.
The above description applies to the current versions of BlueGriffon, that is from version 2.0 to at least 3.1. If you are still using BlueGriffon 1.7.2, the toolbar is in a horizontal orientation, at the top of the BlueGriffon window.
Move your mouse so that the pointer hovers over each button on the toolbar. You will see a brief description of the function of each button in a tooltip. Click the button that has "Unordered list" as its tooltip. Alternatively, see the picture above, where I put an arrow pointing to it.
A bullet point will appear on the web page, with the text cursor next to it. Type your content, and when you are done with that point, hit the ENTER key (or the RETURN key on the Mac). A new line will appear with a bullet point beside it. Continue adding to the list as before.
When you are done with your last point, hit the ENTER key again. As before, a new bullet point will appear. To get rid of it, just hit ENTER again. The editor will immediately remove the bullet point and the indentation, leaving you at the beginning of a normal paragraph.
Copyright © 2020 Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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How to Insert a Bullet Point (Unordered) List with BlueGriffon