How to Upgrade to BlueGriffon from KompoZer/Nvu

Is BlueGriffon Be Compatible with My KompoZer Website?

How to Upgrade to BlueGriffon from KompoZer/Nvu

by Christopher Heng,

A number of visitors wrote to me recently, asking how they could upgrade from KompoZer to BlueGriffon. A few of them also wondered if their websites were "compatible" with the latter editor, having created them with the older KompoZer. This article describes how you can move your website to BlueGriffon from either KompoZer or Nvu.

How to Move from KompoZer to BlueGriffon

The procedure for "upgrading" to BlueGriffon is actually quite straightforward.

  1. Install BlueGriffon

    Install BlueGriffon using the instructions given in my main BlueGriffon tutorial (chapter 1).

  2. Locate the Copy of Your Website Saved on Your Computer

    When you used KompoZer or Nvu, you saved your web pages on your computer before publishing it to the Internet. Even if you don't remember doing that, for example because it was years ago, you certainly did so, since it was part of the procedure for creating your site. Locate the place where you saved those pages.

  3. Make a Backup Copy of Your Website

    Attach a USB flash drive or an external hard disk into your computer. Copy all the files you found in the previous step onto that drive. This will serve as a backup of the site should something catastrophic go wrong when you upgrade to BlueGriffon.

    DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. I know newcomers always think backups are unnecessary or too troublesome, or that it can be done at some indeterminate time in the future. But you are upgrading to a different web editor. Even if you think you will not make any mistakes at all using that new program, don't be blind to the possibility that the editor itself may have bugs that can corrupt your website. Let me say this again, copy your website files onto a separate location. And make sure it's really a complete copy of all the files. Don't work directly on those files: unplug the USB drive from your computer and keep it away for the day you make such a mess of the original that the only way to recover is to use that backup copy.

  4. Open Your Existing Page for Editing

    Start up BlueGriffon. Click "File" from the menu bar, followed by "Open File" from the drop down menu that appears. This will bring up a dialog box with a title "Open a file or a template". Click the "Choose File..." button. This launches the "Choose a file" dialog box, from which you can navigate to the location where you previously saved your website. Click the file you want to modify in BlueGriffon to select it, followed by the "Open" button.

    Your page will be opened in BlueGriffon. You can now proceed to change it as you like. But you should probably read the next section first before you do anything.

Things to Note About BlueGriffon for Users of KompoZer and Nvu

Upgrading from KompoZer to BlueGriffon

Since KompoZer and Nvu are really old programs, predating a number of the HTML and CSS constructs used in today's websites, I am not surprised that users want to upgrade to BlueGriffon. As you can see from the above, the procedure can be completed in a few steps, after which, you will have a more modern web editor with which to work on your site.

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