This tutorial deals with how you can embed a YouTube video onto your web page using the Dreamweaver web editor. You can also use this same procedure to embed a video hosted with another video sharing service, such as those listed on the Free Video Sharing Services and Hosting page.
This article assumes that you already know how to create a website using Dreamweaver. If this is not true, you may want to read the following articles first.
How to Start / Create a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide takes you through all the steps needed to starting a website.
My Dreamweaver CS6 Tutorial, Dreamweaver CS5.5 Tutorial, Dreamweaver CS4 Tutorial, Dreamweaver CS5 Tutorial and Dreamweaver CS3 Tutorial deal specifically with the design of a site using Dreamweaver. ("CS6", "CS 5.5", "CS5", "CS4" and "CS3" are just different version numbers. Just read the one corresponding to the version you have.)
I will also assume that you have already uploaded a video to YouTube or some other video sharing web host.
The procedure for adding the YouTube code to your web page is essentially the same as that described in the more general article How to Insert Raw HTML Code in Dreamweaver.
Go to the page where your video is displayed in YouTube, or whatever video sharing service you're using. You should be able to find the "Embed" code for the video. This is the code that you will insert so that the video will appear on your web page.
The embed code looks something like the following:
For the curious, the above code was taken from's video on How to Add a Feedback Form to Your Website at
Select the code, and copy it to your clipboard. That is, after selecting the entire block of text in the "Embed" box, click "Edit" on the menu bar and select "Copy" on the menu that appears.
Now start Dreamweaver, and load the web page where you want the video to appear, and click the spot on the page where the video should be placed. The blinking text cursor should appear in that location.
The simplest way to insert the YouTube code is to switch to Dreamweaver's "Code" mode, which allows you to see the actual HTML that is produced by the editor for your web page. To do this, click the "View" menu, and then select the "Code" menu item on the menu that appears.
The screen should switch from the visual layout displayed by the "Design" mode to show you the "raw" HTML for your page. Since you have already positioned your cursor at the place you want the movie/video clip to appear, all you have to do at this point is to insert the code you copied earlier. To do this, click the "Edit" menu and select "Paste" from the menu that appears.
At the bottom of the page, in the Properties panel, you should see a button labelled "Refresh". Click it.
Switch back to the "Design" mode by selecting "Design" from the "View" menu. Although you won't be able to view your video clip in Dreamweaver, a placeholder box should be visible on your page. If the position of the box is not satisfactory, for example, if the video is placed on the same line as an existing line of text, you can move that text away by simply hitting the ENTER key (or RETURN key if you use a Mac) after positioning the cursor at the beginning of the text in question.
Once you're satisfied, publish your page onto your site and test it by visiting the page with a web browser.
That's all there is to it. Congratulations on your first page with an embedded video.
Copyright © 2008-2017 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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How to Insert a YouTube Video into Your Web Page with Dreamweaver